Sunday, March 6, 2011

I saw the devil,...

this isnt a horror movie at all...dont know why its being tagged with the horror category...maybe im thinking...cuz of the title and the gore. its along the lines of kill bill....very graphic and a lot of violence. the movie doesnt keep you at the edge of your seat , some scenes are suspenseful for a couple seconds which is good..but i wish there were more scenes like that throughout the film. the only character that you care about..and i wouldnt say care about like if he got hurt you would be like oh dam...its more like you just wanna see him kickass and beat the shit out of people.i like the concept of it though...treating serial killers how they treat their victims....but throughout the film i felt like he could have prevented innocent people getting killed by just ending his life when he had the chance..instead he goes on this cat and mouse chase with the killer...which i guess is the point of the drags towards the end when you think its over..its not over..this movie is 2hrs and would think for a long ass movie like that the director would build an emotional connection with its audience...but instead show us a plethora of violence and gore and fuckin brutal ass murders...i was like dam...that looks fuckin real and disturbing..which i love seeing in movies...but i was just missing the connection with this one. 

i give it a 6& a half

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