Im a big fan of the scream movies. they are not the best movies ever but they are entertaining and fun to watch every now and then. my favorite scream is scream 2. why ? every character in that movies is fresh and new plus it has a really good soundtrack!
so i knew when the 3rd one ended that there had to be a fourth movie and when i found out that they were making it i was excited. why ? original cast lasting this long, same writer and director. so i was like oh ok, could be decent after all.
so the opening scene was eh ..somewhat clever and funny at the same time..but when the title SCREAM 4 came out and that stupid ass song behind it i was like alright wtf is up with that stupid song. so i was over that after a couple more curse words. so we see sidney getting out a car and stopping to look at her section of books that shes about to sign and sell in the next couple days.
dewey still has that character as a dumb cop, but only this time hes an officer but still stupid why did he become an officer? hes just better off as Doofy! LOL.
gale looks hotter and still wants to catch the killer so she can write up a story.
so in this movie we are introduced to freshmeat. sidneys cousin that kinda looks like her and also to two film geeks who play off as a reference to billy & stew from the original SCREAM..but they just get on my nerves and look stupid.
throughout the movie there were a lot of moments where it copies the 1st movie, characters and even the whole setup towards the end when SPOILER ALERT..... when sidneys cousin is the killer along with the long haired film geek who gets stabbed by her cuz she wants the fame to herself cuz she blames sidney for always being in the spotlight and being famous and her having to always hear about it...sounds pretty lame to me! crazy bitch!
the final scene reminds me of halloween with jamie lee curtis trying to escape from her brother. it has that feeling. the movie just rapidly but at the same time goes really slow with pointless kills and pointless dialogue. all i care about is, who the fuck is the killer and why is she trying to kill sidney ya know...kill important people..but in order to do that a movie has to have a good this doesnt. from here on out all the movies will go straight to shit. i wouldnt be surprised if that motherfucker ends up in space.. to me..scream ended with part 3. no need for part 4.